Student Services

Student Service Hours Available

Service hours to help out with setting up tents before the event; direct patrons to parking; assist with getting customer’s plants to their car; deliver water to vendors. This is a fun event where you will learn about growing plants and the environment.

*  Flexible shifts are available on both Saturday (from 7 to 5) and Sunday (9 to 7)

*  Bring Service Hour form from your school’s Guidance office.

* Gardenfest tee shirts for those working 3 hours or more on Sat/Sun.

* Please wear sunscreen and a hat would be helpful to block the sun’s rays.

* Best place to be dropped off is 25th Court off N. University by TD bank.

* The Garden Club will have complimentary bottled water for volunteers.

* Please bring a small amount money to purchase food from the many vendors.


All student volunteers MUST have this form completed:  Student Release and Waiver form

Contact:  Nancy Varillas,,